Deadline for Submission: June 15
Any chapter in good standing with the State JCL and NJCL is eligible to enter. Please include activities starting on June 1 and ending on May 31.
Awards will be given to the top scoring schools according to the scoring formula found below. Awards will be announced at the NJCL Convention.
How to enter the Activities Contest:
- Make a copy of this spreadsheet so that you can edit it.
In the Name of Activity column, provide a title for the specific event.
In the Type of Activity column, select the best descriptor from the dropdown box. If your activity is a hybrid of more than one type, select the one that is most appropriate or that reflects the majority of the time spent (for instance, if you have an hour event where you spend 15 minutes having snacks and chatting and 45 minutes with a guest speaker from a local college talking about architecture, that would be classified as educational not spirit & fellowship).
In the Date of Activity column, please include the date of the activity. If you are entering information later and cannot remember a specific date, please include at least a month and year.
In the Hours for Activity column, please indicate the number of hours spent for the activity. Please round to the nearest quarter of an hour (for example, an event that runs 1 hour and 10 minutes would be rounded up to 1.25 hours). Please also remember in your calculations that decimals should reflect a fraction of the hour, not the minutes (for example, 1 hour and 30 minutes is 1.5 hours and not 1.30 hours).
In the Number of JCL members in attendance column, please indicate the number of students who attended at least half of the event who are JCL members. Students who are not JCL members, teachers, parents, and SCL members do not get included in this total.
In the Link to photos column, please include a direct link to one photo per event that gives a good look at what the event was like. If you do not have photos from an event, it will not negatively impact your scoring. To share these photos, make sure they are all saved to a cloud-based folder and that sharing settings are set up so that any judges who look at your submission can see them.
- Email or share your spreadsheet to both and There is no need to physically mail any materials for entry in this contest.

Type of Activity
Spirit & Fellowship
Community Outreach
Scoring Example:
Urbs Laeta High School had three activities. Urbs Laeta High School has 20 JCL members in its chapter.
Event #1: Pizza Party (Type: Spirit & Fellowship), 1 hour, 15 JCLers attended.
Event #2: Setting spring activities (Type: Officers Meeting), 30 minutes, 4 JCLers attended.
Event #3: Myth Play (Type: Community Outreach), 2 hours, 17 JCLers attended.
Additional Notes:
It is helpful to create a Google folder (or other cloud service) to store your form and photos for officers to access and edit as the year goes on.
The NJCL Programs & Scholastic Services Chair reserves the right to change the activity type if deemed necessary. In almost all situations, it would be to move something from “Other” to a different category or to amend an obvious error (for example, your activity is named “Getting ready for state convention” but you labeled it as Community Outreach).
There is no need to create any sort of additional presentation of your work (a video, Powerpoint, etc.). If you want to do a digital compilation of your year and activities, you should look into the scrapbook contests.
Please contact the Programs & Scholastic Services Chair at if you have any questions. Submissions must be received before the deadline of June 15. Incomplete submissions may not be scored. Failure to provide all information for an event may result in that event being disqualified from the final score. Any falsification of information will result in the chapter being disqualified from the contest for that year.