Candidates for NJCL Office


Lilia AitSahlia, FL

My ultimate goals are to increase year-round engagement and provide guidance to JCLers. As CoCo, I introduced National Zoom Game Nights. As President, I plan to host them more frequently to boost inter-state friendships. Through Officer Takeover Week, JCLers would get to know each officer before meeting them at Nationals. A Guide to Nationals, featuring tips from officers, SCLers, and teachers, would break down the entire event to make it less overwhelming. Lastly, quarterly Officer Logs are reflections from current officers that would boost productivity, while also passing down wisdom to future officers. Together we can create the perfect harmony!

Jameson Sheehy, SC

Salvete amici! If you were not at last year’s convention when I called everyone nerds at a General Assembly, my name is Jameson Hope Sheehy and I am super excited to run for NJCL President. I have served as the South Carolina JCL Historian, Second Vice President, and President, giving me plenty of experience working with others to accomplish goals. My campaign is the “5 Cs”: Convocatio, Communication, Contests, Convention Packet, and the Cives Committee. Please vote Jameson Hope Sheehy, your hope for a better NJCL.

First Vice President

Julianna Lee, MA

Salve! My name is Julianna Lee, candidate for your NJCL 1st VP. First, let’s PEEL back the layers of my platform! While in office, I’ll work to: 

1) P - Promote Student Voices, 

2) E - Expand Membership, 

3) E - Educate on the JCL

4) L - Lead Classics Events. 

From email templates to a Classics Career Fair to an NJCL Ambassador Program, I plan to increase opportunities for JCLer involvement nationally, implementing these initiatives using skills from past MassJCL experience as President, 1st VP, and Technical Coordinator. Go bananas and vote Jlee for 1st VP! 

IG: @jleenjcl1 & Website:

Yukiko Mitchell, WI

I aspire to broaden the richness and inclusivity of Classics! Seeking new promotion strategies, I started a grant-funded volunteer Classics program in Milwaukee Public Schools, a district without Latin. I hope to bring this endeavor to the NJCL!

I propose a new initiative, Promotionalia, starting in August, bringing momentum from Nationals to the school year, and ending with Classicalia! This includes virtual sessions with competitions on the Ides each month, focused on recruiting JCL institutions, initiating relationships with new chapters, and expanding Classical education in demographics without access for Members-at-Large. Promotionalia fosters collaboration at every level to inspire bolder outreach!

Second Vice President

Audrey Lin, HI

Aloha & salvete omnes! My platform can be summarized as the “double E’s.” 

First, ENHANCE: I will craft creative and coherent themes for both spirit and service, as we continue to revitalize after COVID. I also seek to film next year’s spirit competitions to preserve lasting memories and to aid future first-time delegates.

Second, ENGAGE: Utilizing feedback forms and an open-door meeting policy with other 2nd VPs, I seek yearlong engagement and collaboration. For example, I want to compile a running sheet of local, state, and national service projects, with the hope that sharing ideas will minimize stress and maximize impact.

Adrian Proca, PA

Salve! My name is (H)Adrian Proca, and I am running to be your future 2nd Vice President. I’m a huge fan of all things SpongeBob, Latin, Roman history, and greco-roman mythology. If elected, I will use my skills with creating digital media, and experience with community service to organize the national service project, club of the month, spirit and dance themes, and assist the first vp with their responsibilities. My main priority as your elected official will be defending NJCL by promoting the spread of Latin, and supporting the Vox Populi, allowing everyone to get a say in upcoming events.

Communications Coordinator

Reesey Lai, VA

Salvēte et χaíρετε! 

My goal as the future Communication Coordinator is to make sure that the members are informed of all our events and contests through better communication and organization like increasing connections, helping state and local officers, creating better access on the website, and informing everyone about the Non-Convention Contests. This goal is culminated in the acronym CHAT : Connect Help Access Teach.

To check out more see my website and my Instagram @Reesey4CoCo.

I hope we get to chat and remember that when it comes to the vote: It’s easy, vote Reesey for Coco!

Thomas Noone, NV

Salvete, Omnes! My name is Thomas Noone, and I am running to be your Communications Coordinator. If you elect me, I have 3 primary goals. They are: Expanding the accessibility of the newsletter, Getting input on topics to cover at CoCo meetings, and Raising awareness of things happening in the Classics world that JCLers may be interested in. I believe these goals to be beneficial as increasing ways to access information, letting the community be heard on how to help them, and increasing knowledge of things within the classics community is the best ways to ensure clear and open communication.

Keirastyn Joseph, LA

As the Communications Coordinator for the National Junior Classical League I am dedicated to promoting the organization and its mission to advance classical studies among students. My goal is to create more inclusive and diverse communities within the NJCL by shedding light on those who are less represented in the organization. I plan to continue the current communication system and reach out to title one schools to interest them in the NJCL, helping students join a local chapter. In collaboration with the First Vice President, I will work to reconnect inactive chapters and create new ones.


Isabella Ochoa, TN

My platform can be summarized by GROW! G is for guide. I intend to create customizable example chapter constitutions that align with the competition guidelines so it’s easier for more chapters to have their own. R is for respond. I hope to make a Constitution FAQ resource for the smaller questions. O is for optimize. In order to make the most of the changes I would send them straight to state parliamentarians so they can also distribute them. W is for welcome. I believe these things will make our governing documents more accessible for everyone!




Philip Towbin, OH

My name is Philip Towbin, and I’m running to be your 2024-25 NJCL Historian.

Ever since freshman year, Historian has always been a position I’ve loved. My plan for my term boils down to three C’s: Community, Content, and Collaboration. First, I want to strengthen the Historian community. Second, I want to push out new content, including quarterly photo zines that provide exposure for all Historians. Third, I want to collaborate with all Historians and create products that we are all proud of.

I can’t wait to share my enthusiasm and dedication with you all!


Felix Chen, CA

Salve! As Torch Editor I would focus on four things: community, engagement, intellectual excitement, and growth. I plan to build up the Torch as a pillar of the NJCL community through interviews and features while boosting student engagement through multimedia and interactive elements. I would encourage interaction with classics beyond the JCL and facilitate student awareness of trends and ideas in the field. Most importantly, I’d support the growth of publications at the state and local levels by bringing practical help, resources, and personal assistance to every JCL publication. Visit my website at for more in-depth information!

William Zhao, GA

Salvete Omnes! I want to make the Torch LIT. 

L - Legacy. I will run interviews of prominent JCL figures, showcasing the impact of the community through their experiences. I will also create a Mementos section for current JCLers to submit their fondest memories. 

I - Interaction. Boosting engagement and interest, I will include more games and puzzles in the Torch, making it something to play with, rather than just to read.

T- Torch Contest Guide. Collaborating with other officers, I will create contest guides–a one-stop-shop for all of the information students need for contests like spirit such as advice and guidelines.